Commercial Diving Services
Enviromarine Services provides the following Commercial Diving Services Australia wide and overseas:
Inspection & Reporting
- Non-destructive testing
- Seabed surveys
- Timber Rot
- Marine Growth
- Cathodic Protection Seabed Survey
Diver Controlled Dredging & Seabed Levelling
- Relocation of underwater sediments, sands & soils using high quality pumps & suction units
Wharf and Jetty Demolition and Repair Services
- Diving inspection reports, detailing required repairs & demolition strategies
- Broco Cutting & Welding Systems
- Concrete Cutting
- Chainsaw Cutting
- Thermal Lance
- Grinding
Pile Protection Systems
- Timber Wharves & Jetties
- Steel Piles & Brackets
- Concrete Piles & Caissons
UHP Water Jetting
- Unsightly growth removal
- Dirty Pontoons
- Slippery Boat Ramps
- Rock Walls
- Bridges
- Wharves & Jetties
- Intakes & Filters
Simple & Complex Marine Salvage Operations
- Ferries, Yachts, Cars, Helicopters & Seaplanes have been salvaged by our dive crew
Hull & Mooring Inspections & Maintenance
- Prop polishing
- Hull scrubs
- Growth removal
- Anode replacement
- Intake cleaning & replacement
- Condition reports
Divers Qualifications
- Denso Accredited
- ADAS Supervisor
- 3.2u NDT Inspection Diver
- (IFAP) High Pressure Water Jetting Assistant
- Confined Space Entry
- Basic Rigger Dogman
- Coxswain
- First Aid
- Advanced Resuscitation
- Construction White Card
- Lennox Head shark enclosure salvage, Diver controlled Sea Bed Dredging to expose covered chains to rig and remove enclosure.
- Lennox Head shark enclosure salvage, excavator skull dragging enclosure onto beach
- Broco Cutting Port Melbourne
- Wharf Remediation – Hyraulic Chainsaw removal of timber pile for jack up install, client Incitec.
- Wharf Remediation – Hyraulic chainsaw removal of timber pile for jack up install, Client Incitec
- Bundaberg Outfall Broco enveloper removal confined space
- Dredging Pipe Replacement
- Pile Remediation, Lonsdale
- Wharf remediation – Denso 2000 Install client Incitec
- Incitec Wharf Remediation Splint Pile Grout pumping
- Wharf remediation jack up pile install and Denso Sea Sheild install Client Incitec
- Ferry Salvage
- Helicopter Salvage
- Mercedes Salvage, Geelong Council
- Sea Plane Salvage
- Yacht Salvage
- Pile Protection, Parks Victoria
- Pile Remediation, Williamstown MarIna