Rock Protection
Rip Rap is a common term for smaller protective rock used in marine applications. Rip rap is used extensively in canals and rivers to protect waterfront edges from the forces of currents which eventually erode and undermine canal and river retaining walls causing expensive waterfront damage. Rip Rap protective works are an essential part of any waterfront maintenance program and ensure that valuable waterfront land is protected from erosion and flood impact.
Enviro 2 performs a huge amount of Rip Rap protective works for the Gold Coast City Council at the mouth of canals where currents are usually at their strongest, Enviro 2’s ability to transport up to 60 tonnes of Rip Rap material in one go, directly on her deck, through tight canals, under low bridges and shallow waters makes her the most economical and capable barge in South East Queensland for this sort of work.
Enviro 1 is ideal for revetment rock jobs in enclosed systems she works on a continual basis for the Gold Coast City Council within the Gold Coast’s lakes and Creeks.
Enviromarine has placed thousands of tonnes of protective rock throughout the Brisbane and Gold Coast marine systems over the years for both the private and commercial sectors. Enviromarine can supply, deliver and place protective rock very economically through the use of our barges and semi – tippers which are specifically set up for delivering rock material quickly. Enviromarine also has considerable buying power with the local quarries so we can provide quality material at the most competitive rate.
Scour Protection
Scouring is the removal of sediment such as sand and rocks usually around bridge abutments, piers or areas which are subject to constant wave or tidal action. Scouring is also a common problem for properties in close proximity to City Cat terminals in Brisbane or creeks prone to flooding. Scour caused by swiftly moving water, can scoop out scour holes, compromising the structural integrity of a structure. Rip Rap and Geotextile, Gabion or Rock Walls Structures are the traditional economical method of erosion control along the shores of canals, rivers, lakes and streams. Enviromarine can place rock from the shoreline or from our barges. Sheet piles are also an effective method for providing a durable protective barrier between the water and the structure at risk, underwater concrete forming is probably the most costly alternative and is usually reserved for specific circumstances, Enviromarine also provide these services. Enviromarine has been engaged frequently over the years by the Department of Main Roads Queensland to fix scour problems caused by flood damage.
Rock Armouring
Rock armour is larger size material than Rip Rap / Mattress rock and typically ranges in size from 400 mm to 1500mm plus, depending on the jobs specific requirements and is used in specialist river defence or sea defence applications. Rock armour is often used to protect the base of seawalls, longitudinal defence similar to Rip Rap applications or hydraulic structures such as Groynes and Breakwaters.
The rock used will typically be a hard igneous rock that is exceedingly resistant to erosion. When the rocks are placed on a high wave impact beachfront they are arranged so that large void spaces are left. When the waves hit the rock they are only partially reflected and can flow around the rocks, expending their energy less quickly which reduces scour. Another advantage of using rock is that if the rocks are moved during heavy storms it is a simple procedure to replace them in the correct position.
Rock Retaining Walls
Enviromarine provide a complete engineer designed and certified rock wall construction service to residential and commercial marine markets, natural rock materials are used in the construction of rock retaining walls some of the more commonly used rocks include
- Sandstone
- Granite
- Bush rock
- Blue stone
Enviromarine also provide
- geotechnical information
- drainage aggregate advice
- rock characteristics
- aesthetic information
Boulder retaining walls are often used as a retaining wall in a sloping landscape in order to maximise useable areas they are also suitable in certain marine applications were a solid footing base is present. The rock wall structure needs to be securely constructed to withstand the weight of the soil lying behind it. Boulder rock walls are exceptionally strong and also provide some aesthetically pleasing natural style to any landscape or waterfront. Over time the rock wall will blend in and become part of the natural fabric of your waterfront garden as plants begin to grow over the rocks and natural mosses and lichens appear on the surface of the boulders.
- Broadwater Parklands revetment wall groyne construction, 5-3 metres below high low tide levels. Client Nuemann Contractors
- Enviro 2, revetment rock protection project, Coomera Lake Gold Coast City Council
- Rock revetment wall construction, 9 metres below high tide level, Appel Park, Pensar Constructions
- Enviro 2, revetment rock protection project, Shearwater Esplanade, Gold Coast City Council
- Revetment walls rock retaining walls over 3 private sites, 2 body corporates, private home owner
- Enviro 2, revetment rock protection project, Runaway Bay canal system, Gold Coast City Council
- Enviro 2, revetment rock protection project, Runaway Bay Gold Coast-CIty Council
- Enviro 1, revetment wall construction project, Robina, client Bond University
- Rock Revetment Wall, Brisbane Corso, Private Client